Mike Lamb


Mike Lamb


Uncovering Possibilities and Unlocking Freedom for Business Leaders

Results-Driven Business And Executive Coaching

As seen on...

Your Goals

Start by clearly identifying what you want, devise a plan to achieve it, and dedicate time to this plan every day. Success isn't immediate; it comes from consistent effort and sharp focus on your goals. Break your big goals into smaller tasks and keep track of your progress to stay motivated. Use resources and tools that boost your productivity and help keep your momentum going.

Grow Your

Broaden your perspective and explore new ways to expand your business. Search for untapped markets, streamline your operations for better efficiency, and use technology to improve productivity. Consider diversifying what you offer and moving into new regions to tap into your business's potential fully. Always be open to innovative solutions that could disrupt the market and distinguish your business from others.

Your Team

Lead a team that’s creative, independent, and delivers outstanding results. Create an environment that nurtures innovation and makes every team member feel important and empowered. By promoting a supportive and motivating workplace, you can spur your team to achieve impressive outcomes. Acknowledge and reward their hard work and success to maintain high morale and inspire ongoing excellence.

What did you want when you started in business?

Chances are, if you are like most people, it would have included some of the following concepts…

  • Earning More Money
  • Creating More Lasting Wealth
  • Being The One In Control
  • Doing More Of What You Love
  • Surrounding Yourself With An Incredible Team
  • Working Fewer Hours
  • Having More Time For Vacations

If you also happen to be like most people, chances are your current reality doesn’t quite reflect the visions you once had.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can work less, earn more, enjoy a fantastic team, and build significant wealth. The key is to clearly define your goals and actively reshape your business strategies.

Click below to gain clarity and take control over the four critical elements of successful businesses - Time, Team, Money, and Future.

Here's How I Can Help

Business Coaching

Emphasize your organization’s overall operation and effectiveness. This will help you streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity.

Executive Coaching

Work with you or your team to increase performance, communication, and overall skills. This coaching targets leadership development, conflict resolution, and strategic decision-making, ensuring you or your key executives are well-equipped to lead your organization to success.

Strategic Planning

Create your strategic plan, motivating you to get things done and inspiring participation from your entire team. This process fosters a proactive culture within your organization, which is crucial for navigating business challenges and seizing opportunities.

Mike Lamb

Business and Executive Coach

Mike is a Certified FocalPoint Business and Executive Coach, where he works with businesses seeking to advance or expand to the next level or are facing challenges in today’s dynamic environment.

He uses his expertise in Operational Efficiency, Sales Coaching, and Hiring to help clients improve their business processes, drive sales, and make better hiring decisions.

Ready to maximize your business success?


Complete this quick 5-minute Business Growth Score assessment to provide insights into your needs and what you’re looking for in your business.


Schedule a 20-minute discovery call to meet and discuss how we can work together. This call helps us figure out if we’re a good match.


This is our ultimate goal. Whether it's personal, professional, or financial growth, let's make it happen with my services!

The 4 Critical Areas of Business - Time, Team, Money, Future

The basic premise is “We work with business owners on things like time, team, money, and future planning to help eliminate the uncertainty, frustration, and stress of business ownership.”

How can you gain clarity over these four pillars within your business?

With sustained focus and small improvements made over time, it is possible to build a business that gives you more Time, Money, and Freedom.

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